Exercise for Body and Skin

Exercise does more than just build muscles and improve the physique. It also improves blood circulation and sends nutrients to all parts of the body, including a skin; and give the skin a healthy glow. Vigorous exercise also stimulates the release of growth hormone, which you will learn from Dr Lim’s book, Steps to skin beauty, has anti-ageing effects.


Follow the FITT rule

  • Frequency – three to five times a week
  • Intensity – until you are perspiring freely and breathing deeply without feeling any pain or discomfort.
  • Time – each session should be at least 20 minutes
  • Type
    • Aerobic activities for cardiovascular fitness (like jogging, cycling, swimming, ball or racquet games)
    • Weight training (machines, barbells or dumbbells)
    • Stretches


Good nutrition is essential for an athlete so much so there is a specialty of sports nutritionists that focuses on the needs of competitive sports men and women to help them achieve optimal performance. While we may not belong to any of these groups, good nutrition is important even if we’re just exercising to keep fit (see also nourishment for the skin).

Learn helpful tips for healthier better looking skin from Dr Lim Kah Beng’s book, Steps to Skin Beauty. It is out of print but available for loan from National Library Board.