Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) training module

GAGS is clinical tool for assessing the severity of acne vulgaris that was first proposed by Doshi et al in 1997.

Acne lesions can be divided into the following in terms of increasing severity:

  • Comedones – blackheads and whiteheads
  • Papules are inflamed bumps less than 1 cm in size
  • Pustules are papules with a head of pus (pusheads)
  • Nodules/cysts are bumps that are 1 cm or larger in size. Nodules are solid whereas cysts are fluid-filled
Closed comedones (whiteheads)
Open comedone (blackhead)
Numerous pustules (pusheads) and some papules

Six locations on the face and chest/upper back are graded according to the most severe lesion present, for example:

LocationType of lesionMost severe lesion
Right cheekComedones, papulesPapules
Left cheek Papules, pustulesPustules
NosePapules, nodulesNodules/cysts
ChinPapules, pustules, cystsNodules/cysts
Chest/upper backComedones, papules, pustules, nodules/cystsNodules/cysts

Now that you know how to determine the most severe acne lesion, you can start using our GAGS calculator by clicking the link below:

GAGS calculator

We hope you’ll find our calculator useful for monitoring the effectiveness of your acne treatment.

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema):



Skin type